![Modern Talking picture](http://www.musicolympus.com/moderntalking/image/p002.jpg)
(19... - 1979)
In the little town Munstermeinfild (little more than 170 inhabitants), in Aifel near Koblenz, in the family of the financial employee Peter Weidung the son was born. He was called Ahim. The child was growing as troublesome terrible fidget, and the head was splitting into pieces from that noise, which he made every day. His mother, Helga Weidung, dreamed about the girl 6 years later parents decided to repeat experiment. And opening the spring season, on Thursday, March 1, 1963, a little bit later than 6 oclock Bernd was born the second son in the Weidungs family. The event was glad, and the father had to treat all in the little hotel with the restaurant. It was tender little boy with black hair and hazel eyes. As a contrast to his brother, the boy didnt make noise at all he just ate and slept without any fuss. But kiddy had one whim: he waked up punctually at two a.m. and required a bottle of sweet milk, so mother had to get up every night. He did not change, getting little older. As a long-expected and longed-for girl, he was affectionate and quiet, he liked endearments regarding to his parents, which adored their prodigy-child. Bernd suddenly began to distinguish Barbie dolls with long hair from all the toys. He could bother with them for hours: to lull, to comb and to change their clothes. The adults always said that he would make a careful father of the family. In addition, since than, the appearance of Barbie blonde with blue eyes will bury itself in his head for a long time. Bernd has overcome parents by showing his beautiful voice at the young age. That time, near the native Munstermeinfild, Weidungs family had rented rather small with little shop, where mother Helga was the mistress. There and at homes holidays, little Bernie had appeared singing childrens songs and lullabies. Then little one began to rehash popular hits also. The guitar was given to him on Christmas. Thus this little kiddy opened his mouth under the phonogram of popular singer and, besides that, he pretended that he is jingling the guitar. All Munstermeinfild adored its little artiste. When Bernd became seven, father Peter, mayor of Munstermeinfild at those times, allowed his son to sing at local celebration of Christmas. It was the first official performance of Bernd. He stood on a chair, that all could see him, and sang song «Heidschi Bumbeidschi». His earnings were the packet of chips and bar of chocolate. At the same time, the accession happened in the Weidungs family: Tania-Catherine, the sister of Bernd and Ahim was born. Once the photograph of local press had come on inauguration of one many-special hall, and Bernd sang four hours in front of him. Then this photograph went to the large dance hall in Koblenz and had told to the owner about the little singer. Thus, the first public performance of Bernd took place at New Year's Gala-concert in Koblenz. And certainly Bernd declared about himself at each friend case: «I shall become a singer someday!» Bernd visited lessons of a piano and singing. When he was learning music, parents and neighbors endured this all with astonishing patience despite of deafening volume level. Bernd was growing a real gentleman: he opened the door to the adults, served coffee, helped mother about the household. In 10 years the boy had prepared one more surprise to his mother: he had baked his first pie while nobody was home! Parents brought his son up not strictly, but a little bit conservatively. And some questions, which young boy was interested in, Bernd was enlightened by himself with teen-age magazine BRAVO. To the parents gladness, Bernd registered on the dancing lessons at 14-y.o. age. Although, he made it because of that, that his classmates had done it already. But some time later he understood, that fox trot, tango and old-fashioned bows werent destined for him. He got rid of everything: of fat lady, which smelled with garlic, and which he always tried to avoid when the substitution of partner in dance was. The most ridiculous for him were the bows with rose in the hand in the front of partners parents, and the ceremonious passing by the hand with girl into the hall. Bernd was in no way conspicuous for great progress in school, he simply was too lazy. Especially Bernd took dislike to physical training lessons the football and running. He was interested in music more.
Gradually the Bernds ambition began to talk, and he started to take part in many competitions for the young talents. He had won a lot of prizes, but to achieve the real success he need to work more and more.
In 1979, on the competition of new names of Luxembourg Radio, Thomas get acquainted with his manager Peter Crab and he concluded his first long-expected contract with sound recording studio CBS. The bosses of the studio decided that such name as Bernd Weidung nobody cold remember, and they proposed Bernd to call himself differently (anders ger., pun). The pseudonym was born in such way: Bernd Weidung became Thomas Anders. Parents could be proud of their son, though they didnt intend to make a star from their dearly loved, but they also didnt put a spoke in his wheel. Father signed contracts by himself until Bernd didnt become 18-y.o. Peter Crab introduced Bernd to Daniel David, the producer from Frankfurt. Together with him Bernd, or Thomas Anders already, recorded his first single Judy in 1980 and later two other. Thomas sang about love in his songs, though nothing of the kind was in his life yet. Bernd was timid with girls. He kindled too late, he never went to parties and discotheques. He had no time for it also. Thomas appeared together with other groups on music show Thommys Teen Rock Show, where he, 17-y.o. guy, was met better than everyone else. They traveled through a half of Germany. Thomas had appeared with second single Du weinst um ihn on his first big TV show Haetten Sie heute Zeit fuer uns (Have you time for us today) with Mihael Scheinz, famous German master of the show. In the end of 1980 the first article about Thomas Anders was issued in the most fashionable teen-age magazine Bravo, where nevertheless mistake was admitted: there was written that the real name of him is Thomas WeiGunD. Meanwhile he studied at Eichendorf gimnasium in the center of Koblenz. Bernd was quite famous person that time. And once the reporters from the school newspaper Schnurps visited him to take an interview. The photographer and the master of music column in this newspaper was Guido Karp those times. They quickly learned to understand one another: Guido was of the same age as Thomas, also from Aifel, and his second hobby (after photographing) was music. It could be possible to combine pleasant things with useful ones to take snapshots of Music. Since than Guido was and is staying the closest friend of Thomas. The last months of studying in gymnasium Bernd concentrated at studying, because it was the basis of his life. Father always reminded to his son that good education it is foundation for any profession, even for singer. In 1982, Bernd got the certificate about the secondary education. In summer after final-year exams, Thomas entered the Meinz University in the journalistic faculty, where he started to learn publicistic writing and German philology and music science. That time he had parted with Daniel David and had changed sound recording firm, label Hansa was on his singles now. He had recorded single together with Bernd Dietrich and German singer G G Anderson. Several times a month Thomas appeared in clubs and discotheques of southgerman regions. On one of the same festivity in native Koblenz, Thomas get acquainted with Stephanie his first adolescent love harmonious, long-haired blonde with blue eyes. Steffi was 3 years older than Thomas, and, moreover, she was taller 178 sm, and Thomas growth was only 172. Little Bernd fascinated Stephanie, she liked, how he sang and played the piano. They met again a few weeks later, and all had begun in such way. They went for a drive by car at Bonns neighborhood and walked in the city park. Bernd certainly wanted to hold Steffi for the hand at that, but she felt herself like a monster near him because of growth. But Bernd always so strongly took her hand that she had to submit. And the first kiss also took placein the car, it was very ardent and passionate from Thomas side. Thomas imperceptibly palmed off on Stephanie a little glass duck, when once they were all together with friend Guido. But, despite of all these marks of esteem, Bernd was very shy. He had never said I love you! to Stephanie he wrote about it in letters, sing to her about it in the car or signed on the plates. It lasted until Stephanie get acquainted with older, more mature, experienced man, and she had parted with Bernd.
In the beginning of 1983 Thomas, Bernd Dietrich and G G Anderson only had planned the recording of the next single, and the call was received at his sound recording firm from big musical publishing Intersong. They offered Thomas to record German variant of F. R. Davids hit Pick up the phone, which was very popular those times. The German version of this song Was macht das schon? Dieter Bohlen 29-y.o. composer from Oldenburg had written. And Thomas flew to Hamburg to get acquainted with Dieter. Bohlen was very glad of the singer, and he had composed three next singles for him, but they hadnt very big success. Meanwhile Thomas continued to study in Meinz and also to work, to appear at discotheques and to meet friends. Once his friend of the school times Stephan asked him to go with him on a date. Stephan wanted to overcome the girl, he liked, by his knowledge of rising star Thomas Anders. It was instantaneously. Bernd met his real love. Since then, Nora-Isabel became the integral part in Thomas life.
About private life of Thomas and Nora from acquaintance to separation You can read on our site in section Nora.
In the same 1983, Dieter wrote for Thomas the song Wowon traeumst Du denn?, which had appeared in charts and was sold in 30 000 copies. In 1984 Endstation Sehnsucht and then, in summer, Heisskalter Engel followed, which was scanned the first clip on. This single was the German version of the song Send Me An Angel of Australian group REAL LIFE. They had one more song on disc Catch me, Im falling. Dieter with Thomas had sung it for fun and understood, that Thomas voice sounds better in English than in German. Thats why in September, 1984, the next single Es geht mir gut heut Nacht, which was scanned the second clip on, and it was sung in English. At the end of 1984, Dieter flew on long-expected holiday on Majorca. While Thomas with Nora were on the Grand Canary, Dieter composed song Youre My Heart, Youre My Soul on the Spanish island. This single Dieter and Thomas issued together as duet Modern Talking. And in the private life of Thomas Anders the important event is happened: on December 28, 1984, he officially registered his marriage with Nora Balling. And his real name became longer with one more word: Bernd Weidung-Balling. The single Youre My Heart, Youre My Soul didnt make a big break-through at once, until
the videopremiere of it took place in musical telecast Formel 1 ( Formula 1) on January 17, 1985. From this moment, the boom of Modern Talking began. Their hit blew up all charts and, eventually, it became # 1 Der media Control Hitliste (the absolutely leader by sale according to facts from all mass media): Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Israel, Germany, Austria - it was #1 everywhere! In March, the second single of Modern Talking You Can Win If You Want was issued and it was successful also! The usual way of life of Thomas Anders turned upside-down. The success together with the hard burden of star came: eternal photo shootings, autographs, interviews, tours; the private life became a public property Despite of such concentrated life, on Jule 27, 1985, Thomas was married to Nora in the church. The place and the date of ceremony were published in the all publishings. All persons wishing to watch this event were invited, the population of Koblenz increase almost double in this day. In September the third single Cherie, Cherie Lady is issuing, it was sold in near 200 thousand copies in two weeks. It was already the third videoclip, and Thomas appeared with famous golden chain Nora for the first time in it. Thomas stopped to cut his hair by Noras advice. His scenic clothes of pink, blue and white tints was invented together with Nora. Thomas was unique and inimitable on the music pop-stage with such eccentric exterior. In 1985 Modern Talking issued two albums at once. The 1985 was the year of trophies for Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen, they won almost all possible awards such as Goldene Stimmgabel (Golden Tuning Fork), Goldene Europe (Golden Europe). Teen-age magazines elected Modern Talking as The Group of the Year85, and awarded also Golden BRAVO OTTO, Pop Rocky Hammerschlumpf. They got the important award from Luxembourg Radio in Dortmund Goldene RTL Loewe (Golden Lion).
![Thomas Anders picture](http://www.musicolympus.com/moderntalking/image/p027.jpg)